List of Languages

Our carefully curated translators allow us to precisely match your documents to professionals who not only are fluent in the required language, but who also have an advanced degree in the field required by your project. All translations completed by 1st Metropolitan are certified, notarized; and thereby, are legally recognized by virtually every governmental agency in the world. Our attention to detail and demand for excellence ensures your document is translated right the first time, every time.

1st Metropolitan Translation Services, Inc. provides interpretation and translation of the following languages.  If there is a need for a language that does not appear below we can locate it for you with advance notification.

Akan Hebrew Pashto
Albanian Hindi Persian
Amharic Hmong Polish
Arabic Hungarian Portuguese
Armenian Ibou / Igbo Punjabi
Assyrian Indonesian Romanian
Bengali Italian Russian
Bosnian Japanese Serbian / Croatian
Bulgarian Khmer (Cambodian) Slovenian
Burmese Korean Somali
Cantonese Laotian Spanish
Czech / Slovak Latin Swahili
Danish Latvian Swedish
Dari Lithuanian Tagalog
Dutch Macedonian Taiwanese
Estonian Malay Tamil
Finnish Malayalam Thai
French Malaysian Tigrinian
Ga Mandarin Turkish
Georgian Marathi Twi
German Mongolian Ukrainian
Greek Nepali Urdu
Gujarati Norwegian Vietnamese
Haitian Oromo